This is Nata and 'Arni from Pale Moon and we have released "Carpets, Cables and Sweaty Hearts" on vinyl! This album captures our spirit and includes singles "Spaghetti", "Love Me" and "Dopamine". All tracks were recorded live with a full band and the vocals were crafted in Pale Moon home studio. It's challenging to describe your own music, so I will let Rolling Stones do it. 8-)
Meanwhile, if you like what we do, please, support via Bandcamp link above. The vinyl has 4 additional bonus tracks that are not available for streaming, so there's actual value in this physical record, because it will deliver most in-depth Pale Moon experience and trust me, the sound is way better on vinyl.
If you can not afford the vinyl, but still really want it, just give us a line to: We will figure something out!

SHORT BIO for the reader
Pale Moon is a project of two, Árni Gudjonsson and Nata Sushchenko. Influenced by Billy Joel, David Bowie and Beach Boys, the result of their musical collaboration lay somewhere between Mac DeMarco, bla-bla, bla... The Shins and filled with smooth indie sound. Their latest releases include funky single “Spaghetti” and also upbeat “Dopamine” and hush-hush, but the new album "Carpets, cables and sweaty hearts" will be released 19 of July 2024, if they would not suddenly hate the latest master.
Árni and Nata are your typical idealists and escapists. They formed a band while living in Reykjavik. Árni's musical proficiency and Nata's poetic endeavours brought their first album "Lemon Street" to life in 2022. Filled with dreamy vibes, soft ballads and hearty melodies it reflected the mood of the times. Their music has nostalgic elements that weave together with indie new wave. The band’s unique sound was appreciated by many at festivals like ESNS, Iceland Airwaves and Montreux Jazz in Switzerland. 
Thank you!
Dopamine (Single)
Dopamine (Single)
Clown (Single)
Clown (Single)
Strange Days (Single)
Strange Days (Single)
Dusty Road
Dusty Road
Dust of Days (EP)
Dust of Days (EP)
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Don't you think that The Stand is over-rated... I was very disappointed with the ending.


UPD: Fri 13th of Sept 2024.
Here in Pale Moon newsroom, we report: Vinyls arrived yesterday and we are happy to announce. THEY SOUND FANTASTIC. We are still contemplating the fact that we managed to put this into reality and appreciate everybody, who took part in making it happen and also, supported us, made videos, shared stories, talked and listen. We had so much fun and hopefully will have more fun, until we all die. SO, whoop-whoop, hoorey. Get the vinyl, listen to it and enjoy being part of our weird journey.
wow. I just realised that last update was also Friday 13th in Oct 2023. Scary.

It's your brave Nata, messing up the webpage and hoping nobody will see.
Listen! To our album! on 19 of July or I hunt you in your dreams. All for today!

MONOLOGUE (Fri 13th Oct 2023)
I just realised it's Friday 13th, so it must be the best day to update this best-kept-secret of the internet webpage slash a way to save money on a therapy. You must have noticed, I am not a writer, but there's a high chance you are not a writer yourself, so let's endure.
Pale Moon had been existing for a while, we started by calling ourselves Archive 1998 for no particular reason, (which could have been much cooler), but we settled on the most "grey couch" name in retrospective I can think of. The original tone of the music was mellow partially because of Icelandic weather and my lack of vocal talents. You can try and find proofs of my claims, because they are easily googlebable. This original challenge to perform a vocal part to best of my abilities pushed me into more chilled restricted manner and "lemon street" album ended up sounding composed. The whole time we were working on that record, I have been battling an imposter syndrome.
Nevertheless, I bravely went through another year of self-doubt and procrastination and wrote bunch of new songs. I am honestly confused of the inner collision, knowing of your own flaws and still gathering strength to continue. There's just enough curiosity in me to last another century. I need to know where it leads me and the process of writing songs is something that would not stop to fascinate me, the same reason I like chess or oil painting. There's a control field and you are the creator.
When we started, I felt more like a visitor. We went on rehearsals and I stood there feeling a distance between me and somebody, who earned their place. Vigorous practice, years or performance and studies that formed THE MUSICIAN made me feel small and weak, but still determined to learn. Next album we are preparing is something entirely different to me, because I started to feel a ground under my feet. I still suck, don't get me wrong, but I suck less.
Just in few days we release Spaghetti... very much delayed and I don't want to point fingers, but hey... What's up with these industry men? How I hate men, who likes to talk. That's the topic of my next album by the way.
Anyway, I am glad you are here and you read, because I LOVE people who reads. If we ever meet, please, come and say hi, because I have a feeling it will be a good conversation.
So, yeah... Back to the sales pitch. Spaghetti. New single, not a recipe this time. 20th of October 2023! 

PROLOGUE (7 month earlier)
So since not many ppl land on this page I wanted to give you a personal treat. I mean, you are special to me... and I am not trying to flirt, but I am still trying to figure out what to do with my existence and I am not trying to be some kind of an indie star, but maybe a lamp, a light bulb, maybe a flashlight on your smashed iphone. Ok, don't want to get you bored with semantics. So this new song we have called Dopamine is really silly and kind of zippi song, I almost didn't want to release it, but just few days before going to studio (which was a new experience to me) I asked Ari if we can make it sound like Alice Phoebe Lou. This is something artists don't want to tell you, haha, but I am honest, because you want a hot gossip. Anyway, it didn't end up sounding like Alice, who I admire a lot. We just tried to give it a bit of different energy and it worked. It started with a poem actually. Are you still there?​
Isn't funny... So here you are reading my blubber, but also I am writing it right now and you don't exist yet. I am having an imaginary conversation with you, more of a monologue, but still. it's like we are having a moment, but not really...​
So back to that story... So the song was about me working in my studio and losing a concentration. I noticed how my stress levels rose each time I picked up my phone in a search for some dose of dopamine. Isn't it so satisfying to get a nice e-mail? Good, solid, beautiful human e-mail or a good proper dm. So I was trying to write about the controversial feelings around technology, as much as I want it, I hate it and love it and despise it. ​
We recorded it close to Girona, a small DIY super cozy studio Ground and we had a bunch of super talented ppl with us. I still can't believe they would come and spent their time on smth that I've written. Humble, right? So if you have any time, check Ari Árelius who played electric guitar on new recordings, Hreidar Mar  on drums, also bassist Oriol and his project Azul (sooo good!!!), also Pol who played also drums and congas for us. He's playing with Marialuisa band from here, Catalunya and it's also insanely good. Also, my hugs fly to Panxi who was a recording engineer for Dopamine and mixing engineer. ​
Ok, I hope you enjoyed a dose of Dopamine and some of my blubber. I know it's a lot of symbols, but I have a feeling you are the kind of person, who likes to read, so we are on the same page here... =) just two floating souls in this crazy universe trying to connect.
Your (dark haired) Nata 
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